You have to install Homebrew and Xcode command-line tools I installed X-code Directly from Appstore xcode-select --install # I haven't tested this...
Login to AWS Make sure you have AWS CLI-2 installed in your system brew install awscli #configure aws profile in local aws configure --profile <your...
will start with the basics. Setting up! Let's say you are on a fresh system and want to configure Git here is what you need to do, I've been using...
When writing this I am on MacOS with an M3 chip. and Rancher Desktop! But should work for everyone similarly. brew install --cask rancher # This...
The Turing++ Problems The challenge is to develop computational models that answer questions about images and videos such as. What is there / Who is...
Here's a simplified flowchart of the visual processing pathway: Retina: Light enters the eye and is focused onto the retina at the back of the...